The event was started with welcome address by Mrs. Anu Grover, Director, NRSC along with her team members to all the nursing faculty from different nursing colleges of India and two International Midwifery Educators who have come for five days “Skill Standardization and Simulation Training” organised by Indian Nursing Council in Collaboration with UNFPA from 10th May, 2022-14th May, 2022. On the occasion of International Nurses Day, Dr. T. Dileep Kumar, President, Indian Nursing Council greeted the participants virtually. In his address, he highlighted the importance of creating positions in nursing, enhancing the visibility of nursing profession, emphasizing the role of nurses in leadership and nursing services.
The day was celebrated in phases between the training sessions where the fun games for participants were organised along with the cake cutting and distribution of university mugs as a token of appreciation for all the participants of the training.
The trainees and trainers enjoyed their special day.